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Supported Formats


ENMAT supports a wide range of CSV formats that import data into the system.

Our preffered import formats are listed below, however, if you have a format not supported below we can usually support it. Please contact us for further information.

The fundamental requirements are:

  1. A unique naming convention for the meter. A good example to use here would be the meter's serial number
  2. The unit of measure, we require the data such as consumption
  3. What type of unit of measure e.g. kWh, M3
  4. The date the information was recorded
  5. The time the information was recorded

Format 1 TREND supports electrcity, gas, water, heat, compressed air

text_icon Download ENMAT TREND example CSV File


Format 3 Gazprom

text_icon Download ENMAT Gazprom example CSV File


Format 6 DCDA

text_icon Download ENMAT DCDA example file 

Format 7 ENMAT Premium Logger supports electrcity, gas, water, heat, compressed air

text_icon Download ENMAT Premium Data Logger example CSV File

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Article details
Article ID: 68
Category: Technical Articles
Date added: 2014-10-13 11:21:14
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (20)

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