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Non-half-hourly and Half-hourly Data Collection Estimates and Actuals


ENMAT imports Half-hourly and Non-half-hourly AMR (Automatic Meter Readings) from an approved Data Collector/Data Aggregator (DC/DA). 


Data imported into ENMAT from the Data Collector/Data Aggregator (DC/DA) will either be Actual or Estimated. In certain circumstances it is possible for data to be estimated, then replaced with actual readings at a later period. Estimated readings may be imported from the DC/DA first if communication to the meter isn't possible. In this scenario, the data will be estimated to ensure the supplier can bill on time. At a later period, when communication is established with the meter the data will be replaced with actual readings in ENMAT.


You may find that consumption data will change slightly in these infrequent scenarios, and this should be highlighted on your energy bill. The next month's bill should show any corrections. 

For more information on data collection please see: http://kb.en-mat.com/knowledgebase.php?article=65

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Article ID: 64
Category: Technical Articles
Date added: 2014-07-07 10:09:57
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (17)

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